Workshop "Creativity, Art, Inclusion"

A full day workshop with theoretical and practical sessions led by facilitators and supported artists from Studio Barvolam dedicated for students attending pedagogical and art schools, educators and those working in the creative and cultural sector.

We offer you the opportunity to:

  • collaborate with artists with an intellectual disability or on the autism spectrum and discover their inspiring approaches to art;
  • learn about art facilitation, a method of supporting the artistic development of people with intellectual disabilities or on the autism spectrum that can also be applied to work with other target groups;
  • experience the methods of collective art making developed by Barvolam in their Jamming project.

Workshop program

10:00 – 10:30: registration

10:30 – 12:00: lecture “Creativity, Art, Inclusion” followed by discussion

In the lecture we will briefly discuss the position of people with disabilities in society, introduce the projects of Barvolam and “art facilitation”, a method of supporting the artistic development of people with intellectual disabilities or on the autism spectrum, which is based on the individual wishes, needs and possibilities of the supported artist, giving him/her maximum freedom in the creative process and respecting his/her otherness.

12:00 – 13:00: break

13:00 – 16:00: Jamming

Collective painting together with facilitators and supported artists from Studio Barvolam. During the painting jam session, everyone contributes to the collaborative work, while everyone is allowed to interfere with what others have already painted. It is a way of working that requires tolerance and the suppression of one’s own ego. Some neurodivergent artists do not express themselves verbally, which is why communication between participants often takes place directly on the canvas.

  • Workshop takes place at Studio Barvolam, Školská 28, Prague 1.
  • Workshop lasts approximately 6 hours / Dates by agreement
  • Maximum number of participants: 8
  • Workshop is free of charge.
  • Contact: Otto Kouwen,, tel.: 724 157 731